Him/Her is the second chapter of the "How Many BPM?" video series.
Director : Youri Fernandez
Director of photography : Alex Heitler
For the story, “How Many BPM?” is initially a live performance with a skater going back and forth in a ramp. His metronomic mouvement gives the tempo to live musicians.
It led to a four tracks vinyl (Moï-Moï Records), and finaly, a video series.

First Episode of the “How Many BPM?” series, 2017.
Winner :
- MIMPI Festival (Brésil), catégorie « Best Editing »
- International Music Vidéo Underground Festival, catégorie « Best Director ».
Finalist :
- Soundie Music Video Awards (Espagne), catégorie « Best Editing ».
Nominee :
- Berlin Music Video Award (Allemagne), catégorie « Best Experimental ».
- Ibiza Music Video Festival (Espagne), catégorie « Best Editor ».
- Endorphin Awards (web).
Broadcasted :
- Vladimir Film Festival (Croatie)
- Paris Surf & Skateboard Film Festival (France)
Baleapop Festival 7 (FR)
The concept for the new episode is to film a skateboarding video without showing the board at any time. From then, we want to reveal the choreographic aspect of the movements.
A boy and a girl will alternatively be shown in a "metronomic" editing.
By filming on bottom view we want to focus on the models' grace, showing them as paintings characters with colorful drapery on a bright blue background.

“Him/Her”, the new episode, will be edited on this song by Guillaume Lantonnet aka Quéméré.
Guillaume is also part of Collectif SIN, Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp, l'Ensemble Links...

The video will start by a backward travelling from a metronome to a full blue sky.

Here is a preview edit of some test footages.
(low quality)